
Showing posts with label dashboard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dashboard. Show all posts

Saturday, July 15, 2023

How to Contextualize Data and Dashboards for Better BI Outcomes

Data analytics is the process of transforming raw data into meaningful information. But to do that effectively, you need to contextualize your data. This means putting it into perspective by considering its origin, background, motivation, setting, and impact. Contextualization gives your data more meaning and helps you and your users understand it more completely. It also supports fairness and reduces bias when you want to gain useful insights from your data.

In this post, we will explore how to contextualize data and dashboards in a business intelligence (BI) setting. We will also share some best practices and tips on how to create contextualized BI solutions that align with your business objectives and user needs.

What is Context in BI?

Context in BI is not only about the data itself, but also about the tools you create for your users to interact with the data. One key practice that promotes context is to put the data in a central location, such as a well-designed dashboard. A dashboard is a visual representation of your data that shows key metrics, trends, and insights at a glance.

The second step is to ensure that there is a common method for everyone to interact with the dashboard. You want your users to be able to easily understand, access, and use the dashboard without having to switch contexts or go elsewhere to find the information they need. This way, you empower your users to be more effective in their work.

How to Contextualize Data and Dashboards?

To contextualize data and dashboards, you need to consider the following aspects:

•  The source and quality of the data

•  The purpose and goal of the analysis

•  The audience and stakeholders of the dashboard

•  The format and design of the dashboard

•  The interaction and collaboration among users

Here are some tips on how to contextualize each aspect:

Source and Quality of Data

You need to ensure that the data you use for your analysis is reliable, accurate, and relevant. You also need to document where the data comes from, how it was collected, processed, and cleaned, and what assumptions or limitations it has. This will help you establish trust and credibility with your users and avoid misleading or inaccurate results.

Purpose and Goal of Analysis

You need to define what question or problem you are trying to answer or solve with your analysis. You also need to specify what metrics or indicators you are using to measure your performance or progress. This will help you focus on the most important and relevant information and avoid unnecessary or distracting details.

Audience and Stakeholders of Dashboard

You need to understand who will use your dashboard, what their roles and responsibilities are, what their expectations and preferences are, and how they will use the dashboard. This will help you tailor your dashboard to their needs and interests, as well as communicate effectively with them.

Format and Design of Dashboard

You need to choose the best format and design for your dashboard based on the type and amount of data you have, the message or story you want to convey, and the user experience you want to create. You also need to follow some basic principles of visual design, such as clarity, simplicity, consistency, contrast, alignment, hierarchy, balance, and color.

Interaction and Collaboration among Users

You need to enable your users to interact with your dashboard in a way that suits their needs and goals. You also need to facilitate collaboration among users by allowing them to share feedback, comments, questions, insights, or actions based on the dashboard. This will help you create a single source of truth that fosters dialogue and learning.

Why Context Matters in BI?

Context matters in BI because it helps you:

•  Confirm that you are using the right data for the right stakeholders

•  Ensure that your data is in the correct format and can be effectively used and shared

•  Make sense of your results and explain them clearly

•  Enhance your understanding and decision-making

•  Achieve better business outcomes

By contextualizing your data and dashboards, you can create more meaningful and impactful BI solutions that deliver value for your organization.

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